Being an adult is ridiculously hard.
I mean, one day, you’re in high school, smacking your gum and
making out in cars, and the next, you’re thrown out into the world expected to
pay bills and get out of your pajamas.
Most days, I’m cool with adulting, but others—well, I just. CANNOT. deal.
Now, let’s make things even more
fun. You’ve sorta got this adult thing figured out, and you’re cruising for a
bit. Then a little plus sign shows up on a pregnancy test and now you’re about
to be “Mommy.” You’ve been living off Spaghettios and Cap N Crunch for the
better part of ten years, and now you’re responsible for someone else. What in
the actual world!?
You don't know the first thing about motherhood, so you buy some books, ask your own mom, and talk to some good friends. Their advice is either awesome or terrifying.
Then your own baby is born, and things are off to a bumpy start. And sometimes, the middle part is bumpy, too.
Motherhood is one of
those things that everyone else seems to master, and you feel like
the only one who’s getting it wrong.
Your friend’s kids wear matching sailor suits to play dates,
and yours wear the Garanimals you got on clearance last season.
Your baby screams like a banshee from dusk ‘til dawn, and
your sister’s precious angel has slept through the night since birth.
Your toddler yells and snatches toys, while her peers share
How is everyone else getting it right, while you’re failing
so miserably?
First of all, you’re not failing! You’re comparing your
weaknesses to someone else’s strengths, and that isn’t good for you or your
kids. It places crazy expectations on you and on the munchkins you brought into
this world.
Focus on what you’re good at!
Maybe you can’t turn your kids’ lunches into fantastic works of art, but I’ll
bet you’re awesome at helping with homework. Your kids don’t really notice what
you’re bad at, anyway. They just like to have a happy, funny, sometimes goofy
If you’re still not convinced
that you’re qualified to be Momming, here are a few more ways to gauge whether
or not you’re on your game:
Children Are Fed and Safe.
A few days ago,
we were in Barnes & Noble. Mak noticed an entire section of the store was
dedicated to parenting. I asked her if I
needed to find something in that section, this was her reply:
“No, I think
you’re okay. I mean, you’ve kept me alive for eleven years. Good job!” (Thumbs
up added for emphasis.)
Count your
children. Are they all present? Good.
Did you feed
them today? Yes!
you’ve made it another day!
Are Alive.
An important
part of being a mom is being alive.
Take a deep
breath. Check your pulse.
All good? Nice!
You’re on the
right track!
Think You’re A Horrible Mother.
Every mom who
thinks she’s doing terribly is actually a tremendous mother. It’s when we think
we’re done growing and couldn’t be any more perfect that we need to start
Do we all have
room for improvement? Yes. Do we need to kill ourselves by striving to be the
best mom on the planet? No. (See #2)
Kids Are Mostly Happy
Do your kids
smile sometimes?
Laugh at all?
If so, then
you’re probably even more successful than you thought!
If happy kids
stem from happy moms, you are WINNING at this.
I say mostly
happy here, because kids are also human beings, and they’re going to have
occasional moments of dissatisfaction. Like when you refuse to watch the
thirteenth episode of Peppa Pig in a row, or when you forbid any more rounds of
indoor Frisbee.
(Disclaimer: If
you have a moody teenager who never so much as smirks, you’re probably still
doing just fine. Said teenager will most likely smile again when he reaches college.)
Sweet Mom, if you’re doing your
best, your kids will see it! You’re feeding their bellies and their hearts each
and every day. You are ROCKING this
whole Mom Thing.
We all have moments of doubt,
shame, and dread about parenting. Showing
up is 90% of the battle. Keep pressing on. Nobody could ever be a better Mom,
Mommy, or Momma to your kids than you.
Once you’ve tucked them all in tonight and
thanked God for them, pour yourself a nice, refreshing drink and congratulate
yourself on a job well done.
I know you can’t see me, but I’m
giving you a “thumbs up!
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